Replacing expired certificates on SSL Server that uses JKS based keystore
Replacing an expired identity certificate in a JKS based keystore is pretty easy stuff, unless you have forgot to keep a backup of your private key. This post discusses the use-case where we don't have a backup copy of the private key outside the JKS keystore, and we wish to replace the expired/going-to-expire identity certificate There are two ways that I know of: Portecle (easy) - this is a tool available out on internet OpenSSL-Keytool combination (lengthy one) I will discuss 2nd one, and would only provide commands (and not discuss each switch as you can always refer relevant product docs for it) 1. Backup the JKS keystore, suppose original is "keystore.jks" 2. JKS -> PKCS12 conversion (pkcs12 obtained in this step would be run through OpenSSL in next step, to separate the private key from the expired certificates) keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -srcsto...